الأحد، 31 مارس 2013

[php] كود ادخال كم كبير من البيانات بالقاعدة باستعلام واحد فقط

 // include the database
 include 'db.php';
 $query = 'INSERT INTO `table_name` (`ownerID`, `favorites`) VALUES ';
 // This foreach we will pretend that we passed an array of
 // checkboxs, which could be our favorite food for this example.
 foreach($_POST['favorites'] as $box){
 $b = mysql_real_escape_string($box); // Safe query string
 $query .= "('{$_SESSION['id']}', '$b'),";
 // Remove the trailing comma at the end.
 $query = trim($query,',');
 // Perform the query

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